In collaboration with a London-based social XR agency, ShowMeVirtual was tasked with creating a Snapchat AR Lens for up-and-coming Sony Music artist Amelia Monét. Her hit single “Baddest” (featuring vocalist EO), landed on UK’s Top 100 chart in the months following the track’s release & Sony Music wanted to create a fun & engaging social AR experience for Amelia’s fans, particularly a younger demographic that follows her on Snapchat, in order to generate more views & listens of the track.
In designing an experience that naturally encourages plays & impressions from Amelia Monét's fans, our concept centered around seeing an angel vs devil persona of yourself, & choosing which is the "Baddest." Using Lens Studio, we created a heavily-layered augmented reality face-tracking effect with an animated mask, allowing you to completely hide either persona, or show both the good & evil personas simultaniously (front or back camera). Within a stack of layered cameras, we created our own dynamic real-time body-masking solution (pre-segmentation) to put the devil's tail behind the body, & built a system for procedurally gernerating particles, noise, & shimmer.
The "Baddest" Snapchat Lens amassed over half a million engagements in the first week after it's release, making it Sony Music's most popular social AR filter at the time of it's release. It went on to generate several million scans, shares, & impressions, successfully boosting the track & Amelia Monét's profile through an alternative social channel.